The History of DVIM

Remember the former things from a long time ago, for I am God and there is none besides me, God and there is none like me, who from the beginning declares the end, and from before, things that have not been done, who says, ‘My plan shall stand,’ and, ‘I will accomplish all my wishes,’ 

Isaiah 46:9-10 LEB

Destiny Vision International Ministries was started as a fellowship for graduates of Destiny Ministry Training Center in 1998. However, it became clear that the need for a ministerial fellowship went far beyond the successful students of DMTC. Soon Destiny was opened up to any minister who was in agreement with our statement of faith desiring a fellowship that understood the needs of the five-fold ministry.

Destiny is not a denomination where hierarchical authority is in place. DVIM is a fellowship to provide help to those who are in ministry and be a resource center for those who need encouragement and support in their respective ministries. Destiny in no way seeks to control any church or ministry. We do provide service credentialing to those who may want to become licensed with DVIM. Our financial support comes mainly from independent donors and annual credentialing fees.

Destiny Ministry Training Center has morphed into Destiny University and is currently undergoing a transition period to be operational in the fall of 2023. Destiny U will give individuals the opportunity to expand their knowledge of the word of God while working towards recognized ministerial degrees. There is a modest tuition which allows us to have the best teachers and staff at our disposal.

Since 1998, Destiny slowly grew in size until a sovereign move of the Lord opened doors of fellowship for several thousand ministers and ministries. Our goal remains the same today as always. To provide a safe, secure, and resourceful fellowship to help build the five-fold ministry. We endeavor to maintain the unity of the Spirit (Uniting the Body of Christ) while we work towards maturity in Christ.